Thursday, July 19, 2007

I. Don't. Like. This.

And neither does The Boots.

Last night, I had to go to the storm shelter.

Yup. The sirens were going off, the news had a call-in report that a funnel cloud touched down less than a mile from my house (the newscasters seemed pretty skeptical, but I wasn't going to push it).

Also, they said, "If you are in a mobile home, get out and to a safe place immediately."

Needless to say, it was another rough night.


Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

Ooh, yeah, and just to warn you, they give the warning to leave mobile homes A LOT around here. I imagine bringing a dog that is afraid of storms to the shelter has got to be fun!

And I think I must do the Beef Days 5k just for the t-shirt (especially as an ex-vegetarian!)

Brent Buckner said...


Anonymous said...

Poor you! Poor Boots!

M said...

Oy. Just read this. Yuck. Please keep safe.

On the positive side, I just realized that my nickname for my sister's skittish dog is Boots, like your aninmal. It's because she has little white feet. And I would chuckle to myself when I called her that. I thought I was so original. Oh well, another self-belief down the tubes...