Monday, March 24, 2008

Music Monday 3.24.08

I sit for my qualifying exam today at 2:00. It's four hours of what I like to call "creative accountability" for the history of media and cultural theory. Sometime in the next two weeks is the oral portion.

blah blah blah

Here's what's on the iPod to get me through today. (I'll update tonight with some commentary on each album.)

The Write Stuff -- Albums!

I, Swinger
Combustible Edison

Baja Sessions
Chris Isaak

Si Se

Fields -- American Music for Marimba
Filippo Lattanzi

The Well-Tempered Marimba
Filippo Lattanzi

1 comment:

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

Good luck! Although by the time you get this you will have rocked that mofo!