Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Dog Days of Summer

Here's one to help us shake the last of the doldrums...

Unsolved Mystery

Why, oh why, are these two dogs smooshed together on this pillow? I have bought each of them beds large enough to hold them individually. In fact, The Boots (right) has a luxurious new crate just for her. Why is she tolerating Rocky's sidling (left)?

What on earth is going on here?

Mystery Solved

Oh. I see. Tiny McGee (aka Dinah) strikes again.


M said...

I did notice you were missing - glad to have you back, and I just caught up on the posts - what is that, like three in the same day?

I am super happy to hear you meeting your goals. I totally get the whole starting-stopping phenom - welcome to my life. I am full of good intentions, but all it takes is a bag of Twizzlers and Baked Cheetos and I'm dowm for the count.

"But it's so good when it hits the lips..."

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

Aw, cute puppies!

Maybe they just like snuggling!

Anonymous said...

So cute!

Wrenched Photography said...

Its the small ones you gotta watch out for....oh and dog farts

KrissyGo! said...

OMG, Rocky's farts are a blog entry unto themselves!!!

Andra Sue said...

I'm so jealous that your puppies snuggle together!!! CUTENESS! Mine refuse to touch each other (at least in the presence of humans) much as an errant tail swat and they will give each other the evil eye. Other than that, they are best friends. Dog politics, I suppose. Sometimes they switch beds for no apparent reason, which is something we have yet to figure out. :)

Tea said...

LOL---Those are the best pictures!