Today, however, would be even longer -- I caught a poetry slam that lasted until after 7. (It was AWESOME, by the way. I'm attending a free writing workshop they're putting on tomorrow at the library.)
But to stay until midnight, I'd still need to go home to get the power pack for my laptop and workout clothes. So I took the bus home anyway, gathered up all my stuff, and then caught the next bus back to campus. Despite my ambitions to be productive, I am dead on my feet nonetheless. I have no desire to exercise, so I'm counting the 30-minute walk to and from the bus stop as my workout. Actually, being on foot in the cold night air was peacefully invigorating, if that's possible. Though it had "cold and lonely" written all over it, I really enjoyed waiting for the bus alone in the dark.
The walk across campus to the student union was also pretty fantastic -- though I nearly froze my fingers off to get a photo of the capitol building that even approached being in focus. Worth it, anyway.
I wanna go home and go to bed!
The cold will get you every time!! Consider it an active rest or a workout at lesser intensity. I've found that cutting back on intensity can be a good method of resting and still give me a sense that I did something.
What did you do for the last hour and half?!
I have no idea. Sadly, I think my answer would have been the same if you asked me on Feb 26. :^(
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