Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Guts to Be Grateful

For as long as I have this blog, I think I will always post Ten Things on Thanksgiving. Here goes:

I am thankful for…

  1. My Mamar being the gutsiest broad I know. And my Daddy, for being an honorary gutsy broad. And for both of them passing down their inner ass-kicker genes.

  2. Reconnecting with friends from childhood this year and gaining a sense of rootedness and being from somewhere that I don't think I have ever felt (I’m an only child who's moved 23 times since I turned 18…call your siblings.)

  3. The opportunity to coach for Girls on the Run this year, and give back to the sport.

  4. All the supportive words and thoughts that got me over the finish line at Ironman Louisville this year.

  5. My childhood friends, Scott and Ana, for hosting/caring/cheering for me as I completed my first marathon last December.

  6. Having a body that allows me to participate in sports (a mind to rhyme and two hype feet).

  7. Having the money to participate in this ridiculously expensive hobby.

  8. Still having Rocky with me to nuzzle and humor me through impromptu solo dance parties in the kitchen. (I miss you, Bootsie and Dinah!)

  9. The group that I play ultimate with being patient and laid back enough to make me feel welcome on the field.

  10. You.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


ECrunnergirl said...

Happy Thanksgiving gutsy girl! This was a great post for today. Love the Natalie Merchant just goes great with your top 10 list :-} Cheers!!!

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

Aw, now I feel bad about not calling my sister before she left to move to New Zealand today!

Hey if you are bored tomorrow and are in Iowa, my roommate and I are making a whole turkey just for ourselves (we have never made a turkey before and she got one free from work so this is an experiment). If you want a reason to roadtrip to Ames, there is one for ya!

Anonymous said...

And I thought I moved a lot! I think you've got me beat with the 23 times since you turned 18. But, because I've always moved, I have a bit of wanderlust and have trouble staying on place for too long. It does lead to a sense of adventure, but also makes for a lack of "roots".