For as long as I have this blog, I think I will always post Ten Things on Thanksgiving. Here goes:
I am thankful for…
- My Mamar being the gutsiest broad I know. And my Daddy, for being an honorary gutsy broad. And for both of them passing down their inner ass-kicker genes.
- Reconnecting with friends from childhood this year and gaining a sense of rootedness and being from somewhere that I don't think I have ever felt (I’m an only child who's moved 23 times since I turned 18…call your siblings.)
- The opportunity to coach for Girls on the Run this year, and give back to the sport.
- All the supportive words and thoughts that got me over the finish line at Ironman Louisville this year.
- My childhood friends, Scott and Ana, for hosting/caring/cheering for me as I completed my first marathon last December.
- Having a body that allows me to participate in sports (a mind to rhyme and two hype feet).
- Having the money to participate in this ridiculously expensive hobby.
- Still having Rocky with me to nuzzle and humor me through impromptu solo dance parties in the kitchen. (I miss you, Bootsie and Dinah!)
- The group that I play ultimate with being patient and laid back enough to make me feel welcome on the field.
- You.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving gutsy girl! This was a great post for today. Love the Natalie Merchant just goes great with your top 10 list :-} Cheers!!!
Aw, now I feel bad about not calling my sister before she left to move to New Zealand today!
Hey if you are bored tomorrow and are in Iowa, my roommate and I are making a whole turkey just for ourselves (we have never made a turkey before and she got one free from work so this is an experiment). If you want a reason to roadtrip to Ames, there is one for ya!
And I thought I moved a lot! I think you've got me beat with the 23 times since you turned 18. But, because I've always moved, I have a bit of wanderlust and have trouble staying on place for too long. It does lead to a sense of adventure, but also makes for a lack of "roots".
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